Monday, August 20, 2012

How to Research Keywords

Getting traffic to your website, article or blog means choosing the roght keywords in the title and in the content. Google in July 2012 let it be known that they only "give out the most commecial keywords" when users use any of their tools.  therefor by deduction there are many more keyword permutations in the market than you realise.

How to Research Keywords

Researching keywords for your web page, article or blog is fundamental in getting traffic to your submission. Keywords have a direct influence on the type of traffic a website will receive and will determine the level of profitability. Paying attention to what people are searching for is critical to keyword research.

Fundamental Concepts on How to research Keywords

Before I delve into the nuts and bolts of how to research keywords we must consider two fundament concepts:

Search Engines

When users insert a query into search engines they are not actually searching the entire web. They are scanning websites, articles, blogs and other documents that search engines have found, crawled and indexed. Search engines use the users query to scan all the words they have indexed (actually referenced) using hundreds of data centres and return the best match in an authoritarian order. Search engines are re-activating to past search queries and new queries are unlikely to be included in any result. Google can only return search results powered by past queries, in other words they are reacting to past historical data.

User behaviour

Users are unpredictable in the manner in which the create search terms in queries. Studies have shown that over 80% of users will re-create a search query if they don’t find what they are looking for on the first page. If you combine this with th fact that over 55% of users use more that three terms in their search queries and that 25% of all search terms have never been used before , that is they are unique. This means there are more keyword permutations exist than any keyword is giving you.

Tip 1

If you focus on multiple but low volume search terms you may get better conversion results than focusing on high volume competitive keywords. Publish web pages, articles and blogs often as each submission is a keyword net.

Tip 2

Look deep in your analytics for keywords that have found your website and use those terms for blog titles, article titles webpage titles, webpage descriptions, and starter ideas.

Keyword Analysis

Use these 4 ideas to create your own keyword list for a specific webpage, article or blog, Put yourself in the shoes of an internet user who is looking for the solution to a problem that your document may provide. Think about:
Use 3 or more terms in your query ( long tail keywords) - single keywords tend to be generic and thus don’t convert into sales. They are also very competitive as companies and marketers with large budgets bid very highly for them. Long tail keywords are therefore more specific and have less competition which means that they are cheaper and convert better.
Use appropriate terms in your keyword query for your niche market - It is useful to use keywords that best describe the product or service being marketed. Avoid gargon oor industry terms that are not widely known. Use location in the keyword like – toy shop in Long Island – as will target a précised local niche market for toys.
Use popular keywords as starter ideas - Using popular terms is one of the most important pointers of how to research keywords. You have to find out what terms people are using to find the kind of product or service you are marketing. You can use free tools like
• Word Tracker
• Google keyword research tool
• Google trends
• Google Insights
Use each of these keyword research tools with the same keyword phrase and dump the results into a spreadsheet, eliminate duplicates phrases, and then calculate the keyword efficiency index (KEI) . Perform  SEO the page .
Use low competitive terms - After finding popular, specialized and long tail keywords, you should drop those that are highly competitive and focus on low competitive and low volume keywords.

This post was brought to you by SEO Synovation a web marketing company.  To learn more on what they can do for you visist their website.


  1. To know that Google only publish "commercial terms" is useful information. You are so correct in emphasing low competitive and low volume keywords. Great post

  2. I can't bring myself to understand focusing on low volume phrases. Surely if I focus on high volumes keywords I will pick up some useful traffic?

  3. Reply to SEO Synovation from Minke Oving of MarcheRustico. If your objective is to get visitors then may be focusing on volume will get you their. But my experience is that low volume plus long tailed keyword work better for conversions as the visitors knows what he wants and will convert easily

  4. Thank You Minke. You are correct. Focusing on low volume will give you better results. User behavoiur is at the heart of this argument. Users searchinh with long tailed keywords know what they want, they have researched their reuirements and their motivation to buy is very high. If your website offers great value propositions then the user will convert.
